Giorgio Tagliacozzo, Giambettista Vico, an international symposium, 1969

ELIO GIANTURCO 346 Carusi,66 Mario Sarfatti,67 T. Ascarelli,68 and F. Messineo. Special mono­ graphs and studies, like those o f Cantone69 and Bellofiore,70 bring out Vico’s message as a jural philosopher. Bobbio,71 Ascoli,72 and Semerari,73 deter­ mine Vico’s place in the trajectory o f eighteenth-century thought. A. Passerin d’Entreves’ substantial pages contribute to the better evaluation o f Vico’s position in the “ cadre” o f jusnaturalism.74 In his books on legal philosophy, Perticone follows Vico’s footprints in his analysis o f justice, as does Olgiati, the latter to a more marked extent.75 Frosini, one o f the most agile and original o f Italian jusphilosophers, in subtle analyses underscores Vico’s topicality and illustrates the pertinence and profundity o f some o f his intuitions.76 C. Ghisalberti, B. di Giovanni, N. Badaloni, and Giuliana d’Amelio, throw floodlights on the immediate background o f Vico’s legal historicism. Paolo Rossi draws the major outlines o f the new Vichian research. While Piazzese and Graneris sift the problems o f the certum, Vassalli, in the wake o f a lively polemic between Betti and his opponents, grapples with the complex question o f the relationship between dogmatics and legal history. Enrico Paresce (at the present time perhaps the finest connoisseur o f legal dogmatics) pursues, along lines analogous to those followed by Perticone, the meta-empirical genesis o f law. In the very title o f Cajani’s book Value Judgments in Legal Interpretation (Padua, 1954) we recognize Vico’s suggestions. As an inspirational motto, Cajani’s book could wear Vico’s “ autoritas pars rationis,” with the proviso that the title o f his volume would be understood in inverted order: that is, as ratio pars auctoritatis. The problems so brilliantly debated by Bagolini, Cesarini Sforza, Leone, and Piovani, concerning the relations among dogmatics (or what may be 66 E. Carusi, “ Folkloristica giuridica e storia del diritto,” Rivista di storia del diritto italiano, 2 (1929): i29ff. 67 M. Sarfatti, Introduzione alio studio del diritto comparato (Milan, 1952). 68 T . Ascarelli, Studi di diritto comparato (Milan, 1952). 69 C. Cantone, II concettofilosofico del diritto in G. B. Vico (Mazara del Vallo, 1952). 70 L. Bellofiore, La dottrina del diritto naturale in Vico (Milan, 1954); see the review o f this monograph by B. de Giovanni in Riuista internazionale di filosofia del diritto, 1954, pp. 456-58. Bellofiore gives a clever analysis o f the relationship between verum and certum on pp. 15, 44, 54ff., o f his work. 71 N . Bobbio, II diritto naturale nel secolo X V III (Turin: Giappichelli, n.d.). 72 M ax Ascoli, Saggi vichiani (Rome, 1928). Ascoli grasps and expounds with incisive exactness Vico’s position within the currents o f eighteenth-century jusnaturalism. 73 G. Semerari, Storicismo critico (Bari, i960). 74 A. Passerin d’Entreves, Natural Law: An Introduction to Legal Philosophy (London, 19 51); idem, Natural Law: An Historical Survey (New York, 1965). 75 See F. Olgiati, II concetto di giuridicitd nella scienza moderna del diritto, 2d ed. (Milan, 1950). 76 V. Frosini, “ Vico e la giurisprudenza,” in his Filosofia e giurisprudenza (Catania, 1955 )-